Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Globalization for Dummies

              To start off, what is globalization? Well, globalization is the process of making something known worldwide. For example, here in the United States, globalization is everywhere. You can't walk a couple of blocks without seeing restaurants that offer foods from Italy (pizza), Japan (sushi), or even Mexico (tacos!). Globalization is what allows us here in America to enjoy the things we can't usually have. There is a lot more to this topic though. Like, how does globalization work? And who helps run it? Who is involved in globalization? Well, I would have to say that the major players involved in globalization are the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. Globalization works when countries from all over the world interact and begin to exchange ideas, culture, products, and even people! That is why everyone, even you and me, should care about this issue. Because it affects us.
             The next thing I want to write about is my opinion on globalization and its affects on culture. I think that globalization does more harm than good. I mean that thanks to globalization we as Americans get to experience many different cultures from around the world and vice versa. For example, the food, the way we dress, religion, language, and even the way we behave. I don't know about you guys, but I love the fact that I am able to eat pretty much anything I want, like Chinese food, French food, Mexican food, Indian food, and so much more! I also love the fact that I get to dress differently. Like, being able to wear a beret. Not that I wear a beret, but just that I am ABLE to is what I mean by a positive effect of globalization. Another positive way globalization affects culture is through religion. How many different religions are currently being practiced today in the US alone? Too many for me to count but there's a lot! Language also comes into play. Have you ever heard of a German person who can speak Spanish? I haven't, but I'm sure that person exists somewhere and that's thanks to globalization! Finally, globalization even affects the way we behave in society. What is socially acceptable has changed throughout the years because of globalization. For example, it is now socially acceptable for people to get Hello Kitty tattooes. Hello Kitty is a product from Japan and became super popular and now here in the United States every other person has a Hello Kitty tattoo and people see that as okay.
            So, pretty much, what I'm trying to say is that globalization benefits not only us, but countries all over the world. And that's where I stand on the topic of globalization.


  1. Ayo Oscar...I agree with your idea of cultural diffusion for us in the United States, but in other countries there is a lot of censorship of the traditional human rights that we have here. Furthermore, majority of foreign countries are not open to the "americanized" way of life, and they look down upon it.

  2. Ignore DeMilow! I agree with you completely Oscar. Globalization is what gives me, you, and even DeMilow the products we use and take for granted. Cultures are beginning to expand and globalization helps to bring them to our country.

  3. I have to agree with you Oscar, but only to some extent. Globalization does indeed give us all the things we take for granted, things from foreign countries, but it also takes away things that shouldn't be taken away. In a sense it makes us alike and takes the away the individuality that makes us beautiful which stems from culture.

  4. hey am a 7th grader and this is really helpful for my project on globalization. so thx you.


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